기본 개념
빈맥성 부정맥 분류
Narrow QRS tachycardia의 감별진단
Wide QRS tachycardia의 감별진단
Regular Wide QRS: monomorphic VT, SVT with aberrant conduction
Irregular Wide QRS: WPW + AF, polymorphic VT(TdP가 여기에 속함)
QRS axis 균일 → WPW + AF
QRS axis 불균일 → polymorphic VT
Twisting morphology → TdP
** P, QRS, T 구분 안되고 chaotic: VF
[1] UpToDate - Wide QRS complex tachycardias: Causes, epidemiology, and clinical manifestations
[2] Life in the FastLane - Atrial fibrillation/flutter in pre-excitation
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